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Saving the libraries

by Prue Bray on 1 July, 2011

I am beginning to think the campaign to save the libraries from privatisation is having an effect.

In May Wokingham Borough Council put out a press release unequivocally stating that the plan was to outsource the libraries to a private sector body.  Just before the Executive met- and agreed it – the press release said:

Cllr UllaKarin Clark, executive member for community development, said: “If agreed by the executive next week, this would see the council start the process for outsourcing the library service to a private sector organisation.

You can read the whole press release here:

But ever since the decision we have been treated to Conservatives being outraged that there is opposition to their plans and/or claiming that no such privatisation is taking place.   Remarkable.

The advert inviting expressions of interest has been placed, and responses have to be in by 18th July. 

Meanwhile, the Save our Libraries campaign has got hundreds of signatures for its petition asking the council to think again – the online version is at  

As usual, the first instinct is to try and minimise opposition.  The Leader of the Council has been quoted in The Reading Chronicle describing the Save our Libraries campaign as “laughable” – see

So the Conservatives are torn between trying to pretend it isn’t happening, and trying to dismiss the opposition.  Clearly, by the strength of their reaction, nervousness has set in  The more signatures we get, the more likely they are to back down.  So if you haven’t signed to save the libraries, DO IT NOW!


2 Responses

  1. […] – more hollow promises from Wokingham Council – LibDem councillors views on the matter […]

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