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Hatch Farm Dairies

by Prue Bray on 14 June, 2011

Prue, Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey and Malcolm Armstrong looking into the site

This is to let everyone know that it seems likely Bovis will be submitting a new planning application for 400 houses, instead of 433.   

This would exactly match the figure for the number of houses allocated to the site in the old Wokingham District Local Plan.  The more recent Core Strategy just says around 400. 

Do I think this is a good thing?  Seems like it on the surface – but actually I think it may not be.  I think it may be a way of reducing infrastructure contributions.  I am already worried about where the funding for a whole two-form entry primary school and the other half of the relief road will come from.

It’s now nearly 5 years since the current planning application was submitted. Is this the longest a single planning application has been in the system in Wokingham without any form of decision?

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Chris says:

    Hello my house looks out onto the land of the proposed development (I live in Jersey Drive). I have recently moved here and although I did some research and knew that there was a development proposed the last I saw was for 100 houses. How do I join you in fighting this? I intend at the moment to take out a tree protection order to at least protect the treeline that seperates me from this land is there anything else I can do?

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