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Robin Hood Lane: getting from Winnersh to Hurst and Twyford

by Prue Bray on 14 September, 2010

A quick update on the roadworks in Robin Hood Lane. 

The road is now open again, but subject to traffic lights.   I am told the delay in getting it open was due to the piling proving more difficult than was originally anticipated, and to the fact that the water supply for some of the houses near Dinton Pastures had to be rerouted – Thames Water records did not show that there were pipes under the embankment, so the council was not expecting to find any.

The traffic lights are planned to be in place until 15th October, and are supposed to be attended at peak times, so that there can be manual intervention on the timings to prevent long queues of traffic building up in either direction. 

I was hoping that the finished works might include pavement on both sides of the bridge, but apparently the money available would not stretch to that, so there will continue to be pavement only on one side.

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